SCREAMIN’ WITCH DOCTORS son una endemoniada combinación de Garage, R’n’B, Surf y Funk como sólo pueden hacer unos músicos que adoran desde el horror-rock de Sreaming Lord Sutch al pantanoso sonido de Screamin Jay Hawkins; el garage de los 60, Arthur Brown, el voodoo, los instrumentales, The Miracle Workers, la magia negra, los Sonics,la Cosa del Pantano, y demás referencias a brujas, cementerios, ciénagas y demás lugares desasosegantes. En directo interpretan los temas de su debut ‘Come on, let’s dance’ (Lucinda Records) con la misma entrega con la que abordan el repertorio de unos Remains, Music Machine o The Young Rascals, o se atreven con Booker T. & The MGs, los grandes del surf instrumental o deshacen a su antojo el tema principal de Corrupción en Miami.
The sound of the SCREAMIN’ WITCH DOCTORS is a mixture of garage, R‘n’B, surf and funk. As avid fans of 60’s garage and Arthur Brown and having been greatly influenced by horror rock artists such as Screaming Lord Sutch and the bloodcurdling sounds of Screamin Jay Hawkins, their music comes to life with connotations of black magic, Voodoo, the ‘Thing’ living in the swamp, witches and graveyards. This Madrid based group have released a flamboyant first album Come On Let’s Dance (Lucinda Records) which they perform live with the same devotion as they have shown in their takes on songs by Remains, Music Machine, The Young Rascals, Booker T. & The MGs and their unique reworking of the Miami Vice theme tune.
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